Kurtis/Dress Class 1 - How to give darts in a garment
Instructor : Savitha
Skill Level : Intermediate 02:00:25
Enrolled (1107)
(100)Class Description
A good foundation is very important while learning any skill.
In this Kurtis/dress Foundation class, you will learn why darts are given, how to give bust and waist darts in a garment. First you will learn drafting the pattern, then laying and cutting the fabric and sewing & completion. We have designed our classes in such a way that in each class, students learn something new and upgrade their sewing skill.
Before this class, please watch our classes under "Beginners Course" in which you will learn from using the sewing machine to completion of your first basic kurti/dress.
The lessons are as per the standard measurements. You would need to apply your measurements while drafting the pattern. Each person is different and it is difficult to cover all the aspects in a few classes. You will learn more changes in the body sloper as we go ahead with our classes.
Don't be disappointed if you don't get something right in the first attempt. Try to analyse where you went wrong and try to correct it. That would improve your skill. Also sewing practice is very important to get a neat finish.
We suggest you use simple cotton fabrics while learning so that it is easy to handle or to open the seams if you go wrong.
We suggest you make your own notes as you watch the video. That would help you learn better and also would help in future reference.
Students Project
Kurthi sand salwar pant
Revathi August 04 2020