
How to make Chinese collar

Instructor : Savitha
Skill Level : Beginners 00:24:35
Views (2586)
Rating (1)
Class Description

In this class we have shown what changes to make to the body pattern to include a Chinese / band collar in a garment. Learn step by step from changes to the pattern, pattern for collar and construction. 


Class details

Part -1 00:13:20
Part - 2 00:11:15

Please login to submit your questions

Q : Hello Ma'am! While doing this pattern with Chinese collar, don't we have to keep the front open with buttons for the head to go through? Or would it be enough to do it like the way you have done? - Sowmya Bettadapur (1 year ago)
A :

It can be like this, or you can give buttons.  The total opening usually should be around the 22 - 23" for an adult. 

Q : Hello mam, shall I go with half inch neck depth for back and 3 3/4 th inch front neck depth for round collar or any modifications required mam? - Revathi (3 years ago)
A :

You can do. 

Q : you have videos of other collar patterns..falling collar or any other collar patterns? - shanthi (3 years ago)
A :

We have shown collars in collared blouse and also in Jacket sytle Kurti. However, will be making an exclusive class only on different kinds of collars too. 

Q : Hi mam gdevening..... My shoulder is 14..Can I take 3.5 neck width in Chinese collar kurti .. Because I don't like collar to close to my neck.. Can I also follow this video or any changes should I follow.. ??? - ASHMITA SHARMA (3 years ago)
A :


Yes, you can keep the neck width slightly  more if you want to.  No other changes. 

Q : Chinese collar is like stand collar close to neck .if we make flat collar/low round collar which is not so close to neck then what changes should I do? - ASHMITA SHARMA (3 years ago)
A :

We will try to show this in one of our upcoming classes. It is difficult to explain in a message. 

Q : Hi mam I am uploading a pic please tell me which type of collar is this - Meera (4 years ago)
A :

It's a band collar. 

Q : Hi mam I am uploading a pic please tell me which type of collar is this - Meera (4 years ago)
A :

Hi, not received any image here. Kindly send in the specified format. Or email at

Q : for collar necks back is more than one ito one and half inch.but in the above tutorial you took both front and back are same..please explain. - Madhuri (4 years ago)
A :

Did you face any issue when you did the way taught in our video?

Q : hi, how can we measure the exact neck width of person? - Jubaina (4 years ago)
A :


Measure from the centre back of the neck to the shoulder edge and measure from the base of the neck to the shoulder edge. Difference between the two measurements is the neck width. 

Q : Yes mam a petrr pan collar - Shadow (5 years ago)
A :

It is a little difficult to explain in a message. We will be doing an exclusive class on collars.  However, to give you a brief idea, after attaching the back and front at the shoulder, you need to copy the neckline to a paper and make the collar pattern. 

Q : Hello Savi mam, what changes to be made in this drafting to make a flat collar? - Shadow (5 years ago)
A :

Hi, do you mean the Peter pan collar?

Q : Hi Savi, for a full collar too is it the same 3/4th inch above from the full length mark. - Kavitha (6 years ago)
A :

Yes it is.

Q : can we use the same changes for collar pattern for stand collar or half collar?? Or any other collar type you would suggest for the same drafting?? - Sarika (6 years ago)
A :

Yes, same drafting can be used for stand collar or half collar.


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About the Instructor

13523 Students 95 Courses


Instructor Profile

Ms. Savitha has been conducting classes in Pattern making and sewing since the year 2010. She started with her Online classes to reach out to more students. Her words, "I love sewing and teaching and I have been lucky to be able to make my passion, my profession. I try my best to simplify things and teach in a simple and easy way so that even beginners in pattern making and sewing are able to learn from our online classes and make their garments with professional finish".


Student Feedback


Average Rating
09-06-2021 Sujana S

Very good explanation. It was really helpful.